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Reclamation District No. 108

Reclamation District No. 108 is a service-oriented organization providing water delivery, drainage, and flood control in an economical and environmentally sound manner, while preserving District Water Rights.



Reclamation District No. 108 (RD-108) is located on the western bank of the Sacramento River roughly between Grimes and Knights Landing. It is located in two counties – Yolo and Colusa – and shares staff to manage three “sister” districts, including the Sacramento River Westside Levee District, Knights Landing Ridge Drainage District, and Dunnigan Water District. Irrigation service is supplied to approximately 48,000 acres of farmland.

Key Agency Facts

RD-108 was formed in 1870 and has been a leader in the Sacramento River Valley for over 150 years. It is governed by a Board of Trustees with five members who are elected by the landowners of the District.

RD-108 includes 58,000 acres of land with approximately 48,000 acres that is irrigated and provides drainage service to 74,000 acres between the Sacramento River and the Colusa Basin Drain, which is also known as the “2047 Canal.”  It is one of the senior water rights holders on the Sacramento River, known as Sacramento River Settlement Contractors, with water rights preceding 1914.

RD-108 is unique in that the District itself owns 8,000 acres of farmland that it leases out to tenant farmers. This enables the District to avoid having land-based assessments on the landowners of the District. This land is known as ‘Tract 6.’

Service Area Details

Of the 48,000 acres of land served with irrigation water, approximately 33,000 of those acres are rice crops, the remaining significant crops including tomatoes, walnuts, sunflower, safflower, wheat and vine seeds.

How long has RD-108 been an investor in Sites Reservoir?

RD-108 is one of the founding members of the Sites Joint Powers Authority, which formed in 2010. RD-108 is currently invested in 4,000 acre feet average annual yield.

Why did RD-108 decide to invest in Sites Reservoir?

RD-108 sees the benefits that Sites will provide the valley, including the water it will provide for irrigation in drought years and the environmental benefits it will provide through enhanced operations of the system to preserve and save salmon runs.

What makes RD-108 unique?

Since its inception in 1870, RD-108 has played a significant leading role in the Sacramento River Valley, whether in flood controls spheres, groundwater management or environmental stewardship. RD-108 is currently leading efforts to improve the levees protecting the neighboring towns of Colusa, Grimes and Knights Landing, even though they do not sit within the District boundaries. Its staff and Trustees are actively involved in two Groundwater Sustainability Agencies, leading the efforts to put sustainability plans in place.

RD-108 is also leading the effort to reconnect the historical floodplains on the Sacramento River to help restore the four runs of salmon on the Sacramento River. The floodplains are the river’s energy source driving biological productivity within our rivers and show great promise to dramatically change the trajectory of our fishery. RD-108 is also leading the restoration and improvement efforts in the upper Sacramento River by sending maintenance crews to reconnect and enhance side channels and spawning. Its staff is also coordinating and encouraging the participation of other water districts and contractors on those projects so entities from Redding to Natomas are participating in them.

For more information

Learn more about Reclamation District 108 at