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San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District

To provide water security to support the evolving needs of the region.



The San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District is located in southwest San Bernardino County, covering 325 square miles. It provides imported water 14 retail water providers, including the East Valley Water District, Marygold Mutual Water Company, Muscoy Mutual Water Company, Riverside Highland Water Company, South Mesa Water Company, Terrace Water Company, West Valley Water District, Western Heights Water Company, and Yucaipa Valley Water District, and the cities of Colton, Loma Linda, Redlands, Rialto, and San Bernardino.


Key Agency Facts

Valley District is a wholesale water agency and State Water Contractor, one of 27 agencies throughout the state who purchase water directly from the State. The District overlies three groundwater basins, two of which have now formed their own voluntary groundwater councils, since they are not subject to the SGMA, with the goal being to sustainably manage the groundwater supply, long-term and in a collaborative manner. Along with providing a supplemental water supply to its retail water providers, Valley District invests in projects and programs within the service area that can enhance local supplies, such as recycled water and groundwater replenishment projects. The District is committed to developing and managing a diverse and adaptable water supply portfolio.

Service Areas Details

San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District is governed by an elected five-member Board of Directors. The District supports the water needs of over 700,000 people, including residential, business, and agriculture sectors. The service area is diverse, 34% disadvantaged communities, and home to two universities, two community colleges, and an airport.

How long has Valley District been an investor in Sites Reservoir?

Although staff was involved in the planning efforts of the project for many years, Valley District became an official investor in the Sites Reservoir project in 2017. After discussing this opportunity, the Valley District Board of Directors recognized the value of this climate-resilient water supply and committed to the project.

Why did Valley District decide to invest in Sites Reservoir?

The decision to invest in Sites Reservoir was a natural one for Valley District. The District is committed to securing supplemental water supplies that will ensure long-term water supply reliability for the San Bernardino Valley. Whether it is local supplies -such as capturing and storing surface water and maximizing groundwater supplies – or statewide supplies (like the Sites Reservoir or Delta Conveyance), Valley District recognizes that every drop of water that can be captured and used (or reused) will be benefit the state. Valley District also appreciated the unique benefits that the Sites Reservoir offers to the environment, especially improvements to the northern California fisheries under future climate change conditions.

What makes Valley District unique?

Valley District is unique because of its long-term commitments to collaborative project planning. The District is leading an eleven-agency, multi-species habitat conservation plan that will meet permitting needs for nearly 80 projects over the next 50 years.  We strongly believe in the power of collaboration and continue to promote the idea that Californians work together to identify win-win solutions that bring about multi-benefit projects for the people of our state.

Valley District’s Commitment to the Sites Reservoir Project

For more information

Learn more about the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District at