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Zone 7 Water Agency

We Deliver Safe, Reliable, Efficient and Sustainable Water and Flood Protection Services.



The Zone 7 Water Agency is located in the East Bay Area and serves the cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton and parts of San Ramon.

Key Agency Facts

Zone 7 has three core missions – flood protection, water supply and groundwater sustainability. Zone 7 serves as the Groundwater Sustainability Agency for the region. The Zone 7 Water Agency provides wholesale water service to four retail agencies that serve approximately 265,000 residents, and provides direct water service to the Livermore Valley wine growing region. The Zone 7 service area received approximately 70% of its water supply from imported water. This water is used for water supply and to recharge the groundwater basin.

Service Area Details

The Zone 7 services area includes 425 square miles and is located 40 miles east of San Francisco and 30 miles north of Silicon Valley. This area is a crossroads not only literally (for commuters traveling from the Central Valley to Silicon Valley and other destinations) but also figuratively (where major employers include both vineyards and high-tech firms). This area is one of the fastest growing areas in the Bay Area.

How long has Zone been an investor in Sites Reservoir?

Zone 7 joined the Sites Authority Reservoir Committee in 2016.

Why did Zone 7 decide to invest in Sites Reservoir

Reliable water is critical to an economically and environmentally vibrant community. Providing that service is increasingly complex as Zone 7 manages numerous challenges including climate change. Zone 7 needs additional water supplies to meet future demands and to maintain reliability, and Sites Reservoir is one of the most promising sources of new climate-resilient supplies in California. Zone 7 will also benefit from the upstream storage of Sites Reservoir .

What makes Zone 7 unique

Zone 7 has a long history of proactively managing its groundwater basin and was named in the historic Sustainable Groundwater Management Act as a designated Groundwater Sustainability Agency. The groundwater basin was suffering significant overdraft through the mid-1960s until Zone 7 started managing the basin and recharging it with imported water. Zone 7 is known for its proactive and sustainable groundwater management and the Sites Reservoir project will be significant in continuing this practice for future generations.

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