Governor Newsom Includes Sites Reservoir in
Building More, Creating Jobs Initiative
Sacramento, CA – Governor Newsom announced that Sites Reservoir is included in a list of beneficiaries in his sweeping reforms in a press conference today. As the Governor articulated in his remarks, these reforms will save time and save money. “We applaud the Governor and his leadership to deliver critical infrastructure,” said Fritz Durst, Chair, Reclamation District 108. “We look forward to engaging with the governor and his team as this works through the legislative process. Any efforts to speed up project construction and reduce costs by millions of dollars are more than welcome by the Sites Project Authority. We look forward to supporting the Governor’s efforts to build more critical infrastructure and create jobs for all Californians.”
Sites Reservoir is at the cusp of significant milestones, including consideration of a water right permit by the State Water Resources Control Board and the certification of its Final Environmental Impact Report/Statement, anticipated for later this year. The Governor’s proposed legislation provides even more momentum and would allow us to more quickly realize the benefits of Sites Reservoir for people, the environment and farms.
Sites is an off-stream reservoir proposed north of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, where it would provide unique water supply and environmental benefits during dry periods, especially during extended drought. Additional information can be found at or on Facebook and Twitter at @SitesProject.