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A Virtual Tour of Sites Reservoir

Take our virtual tour and dive into the location, operations, and benefits of Sites Reservoir, which will provide a more resilient and reliable water supply for California’s communities, farms, and environment. We are working closely with residents, local landowners, local businesses, and public agencies to incorporate their input into the planning and construction of Sites Reservoir and look forward to delivering an innovative water storage solution for all of California.

A Reservoir for California’s People, Farms, and Environment

Sites Reservoir is a generational opportunity to help provide a resilient and reliable water supply for generations to come. For the first time, it introduces the idea of creating and dedicating an asset for flexibly managing water supply for environmental purposes and it’s designed with that in mind amid our changing climate. This would not be possible without collaboration between local, federal, and state partners. Together, we have worked to put forward a Project that is affordable, permittable, and buildable—one that will benefit all of California.

Why Sites?

Sites Reservoir member agencies, partners and team members share why Sites Reservoir is a significant and unique opportunity for California and what it means to them.


Why Sites Reservoir? Excerpt from Southern California Water Coalition's 'Drought: Are We Ready' Session


Why Sites Reservoir? Robert Cheng, Assistant General Manager, Coachella Valley Water District


Why Sites Reservoir? Thad Bettner, General Manager, Glenn-Colusa Irrigation District


Why Sites Reservoir? Heather Dyer, San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District


Why Sites Reservoir?
Olivia Sanwong, Zone 7 Water Agency


Why Sites Reservoir? Ali Forsythe, Environmental and Permitting Manager


Why Support Sites Reservoir?
Fritz Durst, Reclamation District 108


Why Support Sites Reservoir? Jerry Brown, Sites Project Authority


Why Support Sites Reservoir? Jeff Davis, San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency


Existing Infrastructure Fish Screens

Existing Infrastructure Fish Screens

Sites Reservoir Location

Sites Reservoir Location